Tuesday 7 May 2013

AWOL Zine Designs


Whilst taking photographs around the Northern Quarter, we meet this man (featured in these designs) who just stopped and started performing almost and saying all sorts of random things. The Northern Quarter is full of such eccentric characters like him so I really wanted to use him in a few of my designs. Using Photoshop I repeated his head several times and increased the threshold to create a screen print effect. I really like the composition however I think it looks like a propaganda poster. At first I thought it could have been the image being in black and white contributing to the propaganda style so I added another colour which I thought made a slight difference. The colour adds vibrancy to the design however I feel the propaganda element is still there; it may be the style of repetition which makes it look like some kind of army poster. In addition to this I feel that this would have been more successful if had screen printed the image myself, however it was not possible to get an induction this time in the academic year.


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