Tuesday 7 May 2013

AWOL Zine Designs

Using one of my edited photographs from the Northern Quarter, I played around with how I could manipulate it without losing the complete image as I think it’s a really nice image that documents the calmer aspects of the Northern Quarter. I particularly like Monika Traikov’s designs that I had previously researched, she created really striking designs using photograph. What caught my attention was her use of shapes in the compositions I felt this gave her designs more of an edge. Taking inspiration from Traikov’s use of shapes I tried simple experiments with incorporating circles into my designs. For this design (top) I very simple cut out a circle from the image. I was rather unimpressed with the outcome as it just made the image look empty and the cut out shape in my opinion looked a bit random.

After seeing the outcome of the previous design I tried the reverse and put the image in a circular format. I thought the simple switch really improved the design I wanted to achieve. What I primarily liked about the design is the effect the circle format has on the composition; it makes it look like the viewer is looking through a peep hole at the Northern Quarter. I also like how the composition is clean and simple which I feel would give the eyes a break when looking at through our zine as it consists of many energetic pieces.

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