Monday 13 May 2013

Takashi Homma:Tokyo and my Daughter

This zine titled Tokyo and my Daughter was created by Tokyo based photographer Takashi Homma. In his photographs he depicts the urban cityscapes of Tokyo and well as documenting his daughter from being a toddler to a little girl. I’m a big fan of documentary photography because they give you an insight to other people’s lives. I find Homma’s photographic style in this zine has a sense of calmness to it, creating a strong contrast to the energy and chaos of Tokyo. The double page spread layout for photographs works really well as the image can be larger and enables sequential images (Bottom image). Homma’s use of sequence in his photography enhances the feeling of being in the moment; he sets a scene. I think documenting the Northern Quarter through photographs is a great way of re-creating the place for the viewer. One double page spread containing a photograph would create a nice break within the AWOL zine.

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