Monday 13 May 2013


OWT creative is an interdisciplinary design group based in Manchester. They work with print, web, film, bookbinding, curating and art directing. In addition to the this they collaborate with other artists to create monthly fanzines. I find their zines to be really eye catching and diverse; no pages are alike. The front covers of the issues are very dynamic and incorporate different techniques and processes such as screen print and risograph that create bold effects. These bold statements catch the viewers attention and encourages them to pick up the zine. One of my favorite fanzines is issue#8 'Love & Hate' I thought it was great how the pieces in the zines corresponded to each other but related to contrasting theme. This zine actually inspired us to incorporate the theme of negativity and positivity towards the Northern Quarter into our unit x zine. I liked the double page by Simon Meredith in issue#10 'Displacement' in particular ( Second image) I thought it was a really striking piece of design. The way he has manipulated the buildings is similar to Monika Traikov collages because he has incorporated shapes into the composition. However after this manipulation the edges of the buildings within the shape connect to the others outside it creating a sense of movement as if the buildings are transforming.

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