Tuesday 7 May 2013

AWOL Zine Designs

For this design I looked at the theme identity. One of the great things about the Northern Quarter is how welcoming it is to all sorts of people and many find it a place that celebrates originality and individuality. With this in mind I used one of Nicki’s photographs that depicted a young person working in the Afflecks palace, he had a very creative look so I combined his photograph with another image of a neon shop sign to create the design. Using Photoshop I changed Nicki’s picture to black and white and cropped it so all that remained was the boy’s head. I took out his eyes and multiplied his head to make him look like some kind of creature. Taking the neon sign I simple used the magic wand tool in order to separate it from the rest of the image. I decided not to tidy up the sign with the eraser tool as I quite liked the peeling effect that was created. I wanted the image to respond to how accepting the Northern Quarter is of individuals which is why I wanted to manipulate the face. I like the effects created for the neon open sign however, I do think I could have been more experimental with manipulating/distorting the face.

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